Install Brew Macos Catalina

  1. Install Homebrew On Macos Catalina
  2. Brew Install Mysql Mac Catalina

In this tutorial we will learn to install PostgreSQL database on Mac using Homebrew.

This article shows how to Homebrew and manually install Maven on macOS Big Sur (version 11.1). Java 16 (Latest). 2.4 On macOS 10.5 Catalina. Posts Jekyll Installation on macOS Catalina. Step 1: install openssl: brew install rbenv/tap/openssl@1.0; Step 2: install/reinstall ruby with openssl. For installing Homebrew in MacOS Big Sur, MacOS Catalina, and MacOS Mojave, try the following. For installing Homebrew on Mac OS / Mac OS X older versions, before. Install kafka in macos catalina using brew Published Mon, Feb 10, 2020 by DSK if you do not have brew installed on your mac, Install homebrew on your mac by running the following command on your Terminal. How to install GCC 9.2 on macOS Catalina.If you need to install the Command Line Tools or Homebrew check my previous video tutorial:


It is assumed that you have Homebrew installed on your Mac.

If you don't have Homebrew installed on your Mac then open Terminal and run the following command.

You can visit Homebrew official website to learn more about it.

Once you have Homebrew (a.k.a. brew) installed on your machine you can run the following command in the Terminal to check the version.

To update run the following command.

Alright, time to install PostgreSQL on Mac.

Install PostgreSQL using Homebrew

Install Brew Macos Catalina

In Terminal run the following command to install PostgreSQL on Mac using Homebrew.

We can check the version of PostgreSQL using the psql command.

Start PostgreSQL

To start PostgreSQL run the following command in the Terminal.

We will get a similar output shown below.

Stop PostgreSQL

To stop PostgreSQL run the following command in the Terminal.

We will get a similar output.

Restart PostgreSQL

To restart PostgreSQL run the following command in the Terminal.

We will get a similar output as shown below.

Login to PostgreSQL database

By default we will get a database by the name postgres. So, to connect to it we will run the following command.

We will see the following output.

List all the users

To list all the users we use the du command.

List all the databases

To list all the databases run the l command.

Create a database

To create a database run the following command. In the given example mydb is the name of the database.

Connect to a database

To connect to a database use the c command.

List all the tables inside a database

To list all the tables inside a database we run the d command.

Install Homebrew On Macos Catalina

Note! If there is no table then we will get a prompt stating no relations found.

Let us go ahead and create a simple users table inside the mydb database and try the above command again.

Create table

In the following example we are creating a simple users table.

Now if we list the tables using the d command we will get the table.

How to exit from psql?

To exit or quit from psql type the q command.

Alright, this brings us to the end of this tutorial. Hope you found it useful. Please share this tutorial if it was helpful. See you in the next tutorial. Have fun developing :-)

(This is a reminder to myself, and maybe a help for someone else who might be in the same situation as me. The purpose was to be able to lint documentation I’m trying to update for the pip project work.)

This applies to installing “the latest” Python on Mac OS X 10.15.6.

I’ve used this helpful How-TO. Everything worked until the very end where brew couldn’t create a necessary directory:

(no idea why!)

I reran install python and got:

Solution (hack?)

The solution was to create the /usr/local/Framworks directory manually:

Then change the owner and group to mirror other directories (bernard:admin)

And finally run the brew link command from above:

Brew Install Mysql Mac Catalina

And then I could start what I wanted to actually do. 🙂